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Showing posts with label Knowledede. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

13 Natural Methods for Teeth Whitening

Why let your self-esteem hang on the line because of discolored teeth? Why settle for yellow teeth when there are cheap, convenient and natural remedies to whiten them up? Below are 13 natural methods on how to whiten your teeth and put an end to the unwarranted embarrassment the discolored teeth subjects you to.
1. Brush after Eating or Drinking
This method is not only obvious, but also easy. It however calls for utter faithfulness and persistence. Most foods will not directly stain teeth. However, if you’re a coffee fan or smoker, your chances of having discolored teeth from staining are almost sure. To keep your teeth glowing white, you can’t afford to wait to brush your teeth later.

1. Floss your teeth

For some reason, people are yet to embrace flossing as compared to brushing. This is despite the fact that dentists and hygienists recommend more flossing than brushing for oral hygiene. Flossing gets to the nooks and cranny of your teeth - beyond a toothbrush’s reach – removing stains in between. Result? Clean white teeth, if not whiter. Floss your teeth at least twice daily for the best results.

2. Baking Soda and Lemon.

This is probably the most popular of the 13 natural methods for teeth whitening. Although either of these ingredients yields satisfactory results on their own, their merger is super effective. Just one brushing session per week is enough. Beyond that, you risk wearing your enamel out with this highly reactive solution.

3. Strawberries

This is one edible that ironically leaves your mouth cleaner and healthier. Rich in malic acid and vitamin C, strawberries not only balance your diet, but also substantially improve of your oral hygiene. Malic acids deals with the stains while Vitamin C clears the plaque. Whether you choose to mash a few strawberries and brush with the mixture, or just chew them up, the results are guaranteed. A bright white smile.

4. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, a traditional Indian folk remedy, proves effective in not only improving oral hygiene, but also detoxifying the body. Oil pulling will have you swishing oil around in your mouth in order to eliminate bacteria, consequently averting plaque formation which brings about yellowing of the teeth. Due to its pleasant taste and its plethora of health benefits, coconut oil remains a favorite for oil pulling. Be sure to rinse your mouth water afterwards.

5. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Simply put, hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent, and is considered the most effective among the 13 natural methods for teeth whitening. Hydrogen Peroxide eliminates bacteria, prevent infections, and keeps bad breath a bay. Just a few seconds of swishing food-grade hydrogen peroxide (FGHP) around in your mouth and you are good to go. Nothing less than sparkling white teeth.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV)

Having been used for centuries as a disinfectant and natural cleaning agent, there is no room left to doubt this agent’s efficacy when it comes to whitening teeth. Acetic acid, its main active ingredient, effectively eliminates bacteria, making it reliable for whitening teeth and overall oral hygiene. Use ACV consistently and you’ll have people thinking you had your teeth professionally cleaned.

7. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Carrots, apples, celery. Natural toothbrush’ is a befitting name. You might be tempted to underestimate the act of mere chewing. However, chewing helps a great deal in removing food particles and bacteria, and scrubbing off surface stain from your teeth, leaving them pleasantly white. Without forgetting, fruits and vegetables also contain acids that boost oral hygiene: killing unwanted bacteria, washing off plaque and thus earning you desirable white teeth.

8. Fruit Peels

Some people have had success at teeth-whitening by rubbing lemon, orange or banana peels on teeth. Unless you mind, why not follow suit and whiten your teeth with what could have otherwise been just organic waste.

9. Coal Powder

Powdered coal supposedly absorbs chemicals and toxins from the mouth. Consequently, it removes acid stains, bacteria and plaque, there by whitening the teeth.

10. Salt

Salt or rather sodium chloride is an effective base that disinfects the mouth by absorbs unwanted acids, thereby promoting oral hygiene. Salt can as well remove light stains there by keep your teeth just white.

11. Kaolin Clay

Just like coal powder, kaolin clay has been a teeth-whitening success story for many people. Brushing your teeth with kaolin clay clears away stains, leaving your tooth white, if not whiter.

12. Calcium-Rich Diet

Tooth discoloration in some instances could be a as a result of enamel eroding away, exposing the yellow-in-color dentine underneath. Therefore, at all times, your enamel needs to be strong enough to with stand any form of its erosion. Calcium-rich foods, such as chees, milk and broccoli will help a great deal in remineralization process.

Although most dentists offer alternative whitening treatments that are way stronger and effective, these 13 natural methods for teeth whitening prove to yield just about the results that will have you smiling confidently again. Remember though that all could be in vain if you forfeit the most important aspect of consistency and persistence.